6 Ways to Show Your Employees
You Value Them

Valued Employees are the backbone of your company, but you might be overlooking this potential gold mine as you contend with economic issues, a hectic schedule and an overload of pressing projects. In the process, you’re bypassing a valuable resource.

In developing your employee retention plan, forget about the raises and the big bonuses; that’s pretty much out of the question these days anyway. Instead, focus on the people themselves. Give your valued employees what they need to succeed.

Here are 6 tips on how to show employees you value them

  1. Ask the experts.

    When it comes to their jobs, your employees are the experts. So go right to the source by asking your staff to suggest ways to improve productivity and in their jobs. Beware, however. You don’t want them to see your inquiry as a way of piling on their already heavy workload.

  2. Have faith.

    Some managers feel threatened by valued employees with superb skills. But you hired them, so trust that they can do their jobs. Those skills you’re worried about are the very reason they were hired in the first place.

  3. Be prepared.

    Help employees develop their strengths and become the best they can be. Not only will they help the department succeed and make you look good, but one of them will be prepared to step into your role when you’re promoted to the next level.

  4. Provide support.

    Be ready and willing to provide whatever support your employees need to do their jobs well and feel fulfilled in their careers. Make sure they have the right tools, training, and resources.

  5. Paint a big picture.

    Give people a sense of the importance of the projects they’re working on. Let them know, as specifically as possible, that they have a very real impact on the company and its customers, not just on their little corner of the world.

  6. Give feedback.

    Talk to your employees regularly and frequently so they feel valued. Don’t wait until the annual review. Instead, address any concerns immediately. More important, always let staff members know, publicly if possible, when they’ve done a great job on a project.

Most important, lead by example. Show that you care about everyone on your team. Be proud of your company and your people. Acknowledge successes, both big and small. Display the same positive attitude that you want others to have and everyone will reap the rewards.